• What does %C2%B5A Stand For?

    For µA we have found 500 definitions.

  • What does %C2%B5A mean? We know 500 definitions for %C2%B5A abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible %C2%B5A meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

%C2%B5A Stands For:

All acronyms (1286)Airports & Locations (16)Business & Finance (10)Common (55)Government & Military (37)Medicine & Science (80)Chat & Sub Cultures (68)Education Schools (18)Technology, IT etc. (21)
*****FLAT AS A TACKa flat beer or a flat tyre
*****A TO DAnalog to Digital
****A LA CARTE.Fr. Literally, 'from the menu.' 1. In restaurants, indicates that each dish ordered will have a separate price. Also, used in tour literature to indicate a choice of dishes will be available. 2. By ex
****A FIBatrial fibrillation
Common Medical Pharmacy NAACCR
***U IZ A 304you is a hoe
***A BY EAdmission by Exception
***O AND AOrbit And Altitude
***A CRIM RAustralian Criminal Reports
Legal Law
**A LITTLE STIFFShort of in want of, usually spoken in reference to money. e.g. 'Can ya' loan me some moolah mate?' 'Sorry mate! I'm a little stiff at present.' See also 'Stiff'
**Q & Aquestions and answers
**A FAs Found
**A Camikacin plus carbenicillin
**P AND AProtection and Advocacy
Special Education Technology
**TAKE A PIECE OUT OFto tell someone off
**A SWIFT KIK IN ASSAn often heard remark as to a 'proper-fate' for an alleged misdemeanor or indeed a felony transgression by an individual:
**A FLUTTERAtrial flutter
**A Razithromycin plus rifampin
**A UArchitecture and Urbanism
**A HANDDAdvocate Here and Now Denounce Discrimination
**A OF FArticles of Faith
**M AMetronidazole plus Amoxicillin
*F & AFacilities and Administrative Costs
*A BUS L REVAustralian Business Law Review
*R_A_TOVresource allocation timeout value
IT Terminology