What does WVRA Stand For?
For wvra we have found 17 definitions.
What does WVRA mean? We know 17 definitions for WVRA abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible WVRA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
WVRA Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | WVRA | Walthamstow Village Residents' Association (London, UK) | |
**** | WVRA | Winnipeg Volunteer Reading Aides (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) | |
**** | WVRA | Wisconsin Valley Radio Association Amateur radio | |
**** | WVRA | West Virginia Reenactors Association Military | |
**** | WVRA | Walthamstow Village Residents Association | |
**** | WVRA | Windows Vista Readiness Assessment | |
**** | WVRA | West Virginia Retailers Association (Charleston, WV) | |
*** | WVRA | Waterville Valley Resort Association | |
*** | WVRA | West Virginia Reading Association Study | |
*** | WVRA | West Virginia Rehabilitation Association | |
*** | WVRA | Westworth Village Redevelopment Authority | |
*** | WVRA | Westville Village Renaissance Alliance | |
** | WVRA | Workplace Violence Risk Assessment (Canada) | |
** | WVRA | West Virginia Racing Association | |
** | WVRA | Washington Voluntary Retirement Accounts | |
** | WVRA | West Virginia Reenactor Association | |
* | WVRA | West Virginia Racquetball Association |