Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | SDAF | Spindizzy Armed Forces
| |
***** | SDAF | Sacral Deafferentation
| |
**** | SDAF | Sensor Data Analysis Framework
| |
*** | SDAF | SRB (solid rocket booster) Disassembly Facility
| |
*** | SDAF | Soluble Decay Accelerating Factor
| |
*** | SDAF | Solid Rocket Booster Disassembly Facility
| |
*** | SDAF | Sveriges Dragspels- och Accordeonpedagogers Förbund
| |
*** | SDAF | San Dieguito Academy Foundation
| |
*** | SDAF | Special Development Assistance Fund
| |
*** | SDAF | Satellite Dependent Adaptation Function
| |
*** | SDAF | Síndrome Dolorosa Abdominal Funcional
| |
** | SDAF | Schweizerische Depeschenagentur/frz
| |
** | SDAF | Service Development Application Framework
| |
** | SDAF | Supreme Allied Commander, Europe's Direct Augmentation Force
| |
** | SDAF | South Dakota Advertising Federation
| |
** | SDAF | South Downs Access Forum
| |
** | SDAF | specific dynamic action of food
| |
** | SDAF | Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture and Food
| |
** | SDAF | Suffolk Disabled Angling Forum
| |
** | SDAF | Special District Augmentation Fund
| |
** | SDAF | Special Defense Acquisition Fund
| |
* | SDAF | Several Diagrams in Acrobat Form
| |
* | SDAF | Sheffield Domestic Abuse Forum
| |
* | SDAF | School Development and Accountability Framework
| |
* | SDAF | Study Drug Administration Form
| |