What does AAIM Stand For?
For AAIM we have found 39 definitions.
What does AAIM mean? We know 39 definitions for AAIM abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible AAIM meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
AAIM Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | AAIM | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Aviation | |
***** | AAIM | Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management Management | |
***** | AAIM | American Assets Investment Management Management | |
***** | AAIM | American Academy of Insurance Medicine Medical Organization Academic & science | |
**** | AAIM | Association for Applied Interactive Multimedia Organization | |
**** | AAIM | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitor | |
*** | AAIM | American Association of Industrial Management | |
*** | AAIM | Automated AFCERT (Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team) Implementation Module | |
*** | AAIM | Asociación Argentina de Informática Médica | |
*** | AAIM | Anemia and Iron Management | |
*** | AAIM | Adaptive Application Infrastructure Management | |
*** | AAIM | Active Asset Investment Management Limited | |
*** | AAIM | American Association of Independent Music | |
*** | AAIM | Arkansas Association of Instructional Media Media | |
*** | AAIM | American Association of Insurance Management | |
*** | AAIM | American Association of Integrative Medicine | |
** | AAIM | Airborne Autonomous Integrity Monitoring | |
** | AAIM | Asian American Independent Media Media | |
** | AAIM | African American Interdenominational Ministries | |
** | AAIM | American Association of Internet Media Internet | |
** | AAIM | Academy of Insurance Medicine | |
** | AAIM | Administrators of Internal Medicine | |
** | AAIM | Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists | |
* | AAIM | Active Asset Investment Management | |
* | AAIM | American Association of Industrialized Manufacturers |