Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ECMC | Emmanuel College Mountaineering Club
| |
***** | ECMC | El Caviteno Motorcycle Club
| |
***** | ECMC | Empire City Motorcycle Club, Inc.
| |
***** | ECMC | Enquête sur la Construction et les Mises en Chantier
| |
**** | ECMC | Edward's Christian Music Collection
| |
**** | ECMC | Electronic Commerce Mediation Committee
| |
**** | ECMC | Evanston Community Media Center
| |
**** | ECMC | Ethiopian Coffee Marketing Corporation
| |
**** | ECMC | Executive Committee for Management Controls
| |
**** | ECMC | European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs
| |
**** | ECMC | Early Childhood - Middle Childhood
| |
**** | ECMC | Eunice Community Medical Center
| |
*** | ECMC | Experimental Computing Management Committee
| |
*** | ECMC | Eastern Counties Motor Club
| |
*** | ECMC | Ellsworth County Medical Center
| |
*** | ECMC | Eastman Computer Music Center
| |
*** | ECMC | European Consortium of Management Consultants
| |
*** | ECMC | Escouade de Combat en Milieu Clos
| |
*** | ECMC | Educação e Comunicação Mediadas por Computador
| |
** | ECMC | European Centre for Media Competence
| |
** | ECMC | East County Mothers' Club
| |
** | ECMC | Encontro do Centro de Materiais Cerâmicos
| |
** | ECMC | École Canine de Maître Chien
| |
** | ECMC | Episcopal Church Missionary Community
| |
** | ECMC | Eventos Cardíacos Mayores Combinados
| |