Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ISEP | Interim Tactical ELINT Processor
| |
***** | ISEP | International Society for Environmental Protection
| |
**** | ISEP | International Symposium on Environmental Pollution
| |
**** | ISEP | Integrated Secondary Education Program
| |
**** | ISEP | Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris
| |
**** | ISEP | Illinois Safety Education Program
| |
**** | ISEP | Information Scolaire Et Professionnelle
| |
**** | ISEP | Indian School Equalization Program
| |
**** | ISEP | Integrated Strategic Electricity Planning
| |
**** | ISEP | International Student Exchange Program
| |
*** | ISEP | Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
| |
*** | ISEP | Institute of Social and Economic Policy
| |
*** | ISEP | Institute for Strategic Energy Planning
| |
*** | ISEP | International Standard Equipment Practice
| |
*** | ISEP | Ion Separation Exchange Process
| |
*** | ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
| |
*** | ISEP | Integrated Safety Evaluation Program
| |
*** | ISEP | International Symposium on Electronic Photography
| |
*** | ISEP | Indonesia Singapore Environmental Partnership
| |
*** | ISEP | Indian Student Equalization Program
| |
*** | ISEP | IT Solutions to End Poverty
| |
*** | ISEP | Iowa Storage Energy Park
| |
*** | ISEP | International Scientific Exchange Program
| |
*** | ISEP | International Society of Ecological Psychology
| |
*** | ISEP | International Society for Environment Protection
| |