What does JFU Stand For?
For jfu we have found 12 definitions.
What does JFU mean? We know 12 definitions for JFU abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible JFU meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
JFU Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | JFU | Jet4You ICAO Aircraft Codes | |
**** | JFU | Japanese Fouler-Upper (WW II decoy aircraft type) Transportation | |
**** | JFU | Just For Us | |
**** | JFU | Just For You | |
*** | JFU | Jersey Farmers Union | |
*** | JFU | Joint Finance Unit | |
*** | JFU | Joint Forensic Unit | |
*** | JFU | Jordan Farmers Union | |
*** | JFU | Jewish Foundation of Ukraine | |
*** | JFU | Joint Future Unit | |
** | JFU | Japanese Fouler- Upper ( WW II dummy Aircraft type) | |
* | JFU | Joint Forces Unit |