• What does HABA Stand For?

    For haba we have found 26 definitions.

  • What does HABA mean? We know 26 definitions for HABA abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible HABA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

HABA Stands For:

All acronyms (26)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (2)Common Government & Military Medicine & Science (6)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (5)Technology, IT etc.
*****HABA2(4'-hydroxyazobenzene) Benzoic Acid
Amino Acid
****HABAHot Air Balloon Adventures
****HABAHellenic American Bankers Association, Inc.
****HABAHealth And Beauty Aids
***HABA2-(4'-hydroxybenzeneneazo)benzoic acid
***HABAHoosier Association for Behavior Analysis
***HABAHorn of Africa Business Association
**HABA4'-hydroxyazobenzene-2-benzoic acid
**HABAHawaii Association for Behavior Analysis
**HABAHot Air Ballooning in Austin
**HABAHTLV-1 associated bronchiolo-alveolar disorder
**HABAHispanic American Business Association
*HABA2-(4'-hydroxybenzene)azobenzoic acid
*HABAHome and Building Automation
*HABAHouston Area Blacksmith's Association
*HABAHTLV-I associated bronchiolo-alveolar disorder
*HABAHarlingen Area Builders Association
*HABAHarper Avenue Business Association
*HABAHouston Area Bicyclist Alliance
*HABAHouston Area Blacksmith Association
*HABAHistoric Anacostia Block Association
*HABAHudson Area Business Association
*HABAHydroxyphenyl Azo Benzoic Acid
*HABAHantsport Area Business Association
*HABAHave A Barrier reef Adventure