• What does FBK Stand For?

    For fbk we have found 39 definitions.

  • What does FBK mean? We know 39 definitions for FBK abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible FBK meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

FBK Stands For:

All acronyms (39)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (1)Common Government & Military Medicine & Science Chat & Sub Cultures (3)Education Schools (6)Technology, IT etc. (1)
***FBKFanny Blankers-Koen
**FBKFamilytreemaker BacKup
*FBKFondazione Bruno Kessler
*FBKFutbolo-Beisbolo Klubas
*FBKFederata e Basketbollit e Kosovës
*FBKFédération Belge de Kinésiologie
*FBKFetal Bovine Kidney
*FBKFull Breach Kicks
*FBKWainwright AAF, Fairbanks/Fort Wainwright, Alaska, United States
*FBKFrank Better Know
*FBKFachvereinigung Bayerischer Komposthersteller
*FBKFireplace Blower Kit
*FBKFibrek Inc.
Toronto stock exchange
*FBKFilter Bag Kit
*FBKFine Business Keepers
*FBKFreie Bildende Kunst
*FBKFranco Belge Killer
*FBKflat black
*FBKFill and Bleed Kit
*FBKFrederiksberg Badminton Klub
*FBKFederação Bahiana de Karate