• What does CSCF Stand For?

    For cscf we have found 34 definitions.

  • What does CSCF mean? We know 34 definitions for CSCF abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible CSCF meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

CSCF Stands For:

All acronyms (34)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military Medicine & Science (2)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (6)Technology, IT etc. (6)
*****CSCFCall Session Control Function
IT Terminology Wireless Networking
***CSCFConstant Speed and Constant Frequency
***CSCFCall Service Control Function
**CSCFCall Side Control Function
**CSCFCall State Control Function
**CSCFCivil Society Challenge Fund
**CSCFCall Server Control Function
**CSCFCalifornia State College at Fullerton
*CSCFComputer Science Computing Facility
*CSCFCanadian Ski Coaches Federation
*CSCFCanadian Secured Credit Facility
*CSCFCentral Site Control Facility
*CSCFChildren's Sickle Cell Foundation
*CSCFCentre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune
*CSCFcanine stem cell factor
*CSCFClinical Services Capability Framework
*CSCFcigarette smoke condensate fractions
*CSCFCenter for the Study of Children's Futures
*CSCFConsolidated Statements of Cash Flows
*CSCFCanadian Ski Coach Federation
*CSCFCenter for the Study of the College Fraternity
*CSCFCross System Coupling Facility
*CSCFCanadian Skin Cancer Foundation
*CSCFComplex Self-consistent Field
*CSCFCentral Susquehanna Community Foundation