Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CELD | Chicopee Electric Light Department
| |
***** | CELD | Central External Liaison Department
| |
***** | CELD | Centre for Environmental Law and Development
| |
**** | CELD | Corps of Engineers Directorate of Logistics
| |
**** | CELD | Centro Espirita Luz Divina
| |
**** | CELD | Chinese English Latin Dictionary
| |
**** | CELD | Center for Education in Law and Democracy
| |
**** | CELD | California English Language Development
| |
*** | CELD | Christian Education and Leader Development
| |
*** | CELD | Corps of Engineer Logistics Division
| |
*** | CELD | Communities Empowered in Local Decision
| |
** | CELD | Centro Espírita Léon Denis
| |
* | CELD | Comunidade Espírita Leon Denís
| |