What does CBVA Stand For?
For cbva we have found 22 definitions.
What does CBVA mean? We know 22 definitions for CBVA abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible CBVA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
CBVA Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | CBVA | Calgary Beach Volleyball Association | |
***** | CBVA | Commerce Bank VA | |
***** | CBVA | Canadian Business Valuators Association | |
***** | CBVA | Club Basque des Véhicules Anciens | |
***** | CBVA | Colorado Board of Veterans Affairs | |
***** | CBVA | California Beach Volleyball Assn | |
***** | CBVA | Circuit Breaker Vibration Analyzer Electronics | |
***** | CBVA | Centro Bilingue Vista Alegre | |
***** | CBVA | Community Based Vocational Assessment | |
**** | CBVA | Commercial Bear Viewing Association | |
**** | CBVA | Canicross Bikejoering Verband Austria | |
**** | CBVA | Coastal Bear Viewing Association | |
**** | CBVA | Colonial Beach, Virginia | |
**** | CBVA | Cuerpo de Bomberos Voluntarios de Asuncion | |
**** | CBVA | Costa Blanca Villas and Apartments | |
**** | CBVA | Curriculum-Based Vocational Assessment | |
*** | CBVA | Cambridge Boston Volleyball Association | |
*** | CBVA | Confederação Brasileira de Vela Adaptada | |
*** | CBVA | California Beach Volleyball Association | |
*** | CBVA | Collaborative Best Value Approach | |
** | CBVA | California Beach Volleyball Association's | |
** | CBVA | Coogee Beach Volleyball Association |