What does ABFS Stand For?
For abfs we have found 33 definitions.
What does ABFS mean? We know 33 definitions for ABFS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible ABFS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
ABFS Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | ABFS | ABF Freight Systems, Inc. | |
***** | ABFS | Arkansas Best Corporation of Delaware Nasdaq symbols | |
**** | ABFS | American Business Financial Services, Inc. | |
**** | ABFS | Animated Black Family Sitcom | |
**** | ABFS | Amphibious Bulk Fuel System Military | |
**** | ABFS | Auxiliary Building Filter System | |
**** | ABFS | Associated British Foods | |
*** | ABFS | Atomic Beam Frequency Standard | |
*** | ABFS | American Board of Funeral Service | |
*** | ABFS | Association Belge de Football en Salle | |
*** | ABFS | American Bankers Financial Services, Inc. | |
*** | ABFS | Academy for Business Financial Services | |
*** | ABFS | Advance Benefit Funding Sources | |
*** | ABFS | Aditya Birla Financial Services | |
*** | ABFS | Agriculture Biotechnology & Food Sciences | |
*** | ABFS | Arkansas Best Corp (NASDAQ Stock Exchange [NASDAQ]) | |
*** | ABFS | Appropriate Balance Financial Services, Inc. | |
*** | ABFS | Association of Black Faculty and Staff | |
** | ABFS | Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System | |
** | ABFS | America Bangladesh Friendship Society | |
* | ABFS | Alpaca Breeder Fiber School | |
* | ABFS | Accounting Banking Financial Systems | |
* | ABFS | American Business Financial Services | |
* | ABFS | American Building & Fire Services, LLC | |
* | ABFS | Advanced Benefit Funding Sources |