• What does VFA Stand For?

    For VFA we have found 130 definitions.

  • What does VFA mean? We know 130 definitions for VFA abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible VFA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

VFA Stands For:

All acronyms (130)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (1)Common (2)Government & Military (11)Medicine & Science (12)Chat & Sub Cultures (1)Education Schools (8)Technology, IT etc. (1)
*****VFAVolatile Fatty Acid
Veterinary Amino Acid Food Physiology
****VFAVictoria Falls International Airport, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Iata Airport Codes Zimbabwe
**VFAFixed Wing Fighter Attack Squadron
*VFAStrike Fighter Squadron
*VFAVeterinary and Food Administration
*VFAVietnam Food Administration
*VFAvisceral fat area
*VFAVisceral fat accumulation
*VFAView from Above
*VFAValeur Foncière de Référence en Acquisition-Amélioration
*VFAFighter Attack Squadron
*VFAVietnam Food Association
*VFAFixed-Wing Fighter Attack
*VFAVereins zur Förderung der Auerochsenzucht
*VFAVolatile free fatty acids
*VFAFixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron
US Navy
*VFAViral Fitness Assay
*VFAVoluntary Flexible Agreement
*VFAVerein zur Förderung des Auerochsen
*VFAvideo based fluorescein angiography
*VFAVerlag für Anzeigenwerbung
*VFAVery Far Away
*VFAVicia Faba Agglutinin
*VFAVoices for Animals