• What does VAW Stand For?

    For VAW we have found 43 definitions.

  • What does VAW mean? We know 43 definitions for VAW abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible VAW meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

VAW Stands For:

All acronyms (43)Airports & Locations (3)Business & Finance (3)Common Government & Military (2)Medicine & Science Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (1)Technology, IT etc.
*****VAWVardø, Svartnes, Vardø, Norway
Iata Airport Codes Norway
****VAWNaval Airborne Early Warning Squadron
****VAWViolence Against Women
****VAWVolcanic Ash Warnings
****VAWVertical Assistance Window
****VAWCarrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron
**VAWVereinigte Aluminium Werke
**VAWFixed Wing Airborne Early Warning Squadron
US Navy
**VAWVeterans Against the War
*VAWVon Amts Wegen
*VAWVoyager Around the World
*VAWViolence at Work
*VAWVirtual Amenity Wakayama
*VAWVolcanic Ash Warning
*VAWMaterials ETF Vanguard (American Stock Exchange [AMEX])
*VAWVolunteer Ambulance Workers
*VAWVardø, Norway - Svartnes
*VAWVoice of Afghan Women
*VAWVertical Aid Window
*VAWVeterans at Work
*VAWventricular A wave
*VAWVerband Alter Wingolfiten
*VAWviral associated wheeze
*VAWViolence Against Www
*VAWVolcanoes Around the World