• What does SPACE Stand For?

    For Space we have found 142 definitions.

  • What does SPACE mean? We know 142 definitions for SPACE abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible SPACE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SPACE Stands For:

All acronyms (142)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (4)Common (11)Government & Military (5)Medicine & Science (12)Chat & Sub Cultures (2)Education Schools (9)Technology, IT etc. (7)
*****SPACE RATIO.See passenger space ratio.
*****SPACE WORLDSpace World Airline
Airline Call sign
****SPACE AVAILABLE.Term used to refer to any remaining seating or lodging sold at the last minute, generally at a discount.
****THAI SPACEAsian Aerospace Service
Airline Call sign
****PASSENGER SPACE RATIO.A statistical measure that compares the total public space of a cruise ship to the passenger capacity, resulting in the theoretical amount of public space allotted to each passenger. A high passenger
***SPACESpacecraft Prelaunch Automatic Checkout Equipment
NASA Aerospace engineering Astronautics Space Spaceflight
***SPACE PHYSICS DATA SYSTEMSolar Physics Data System
**SPACE TOURISM.An emerging and very expensivetravel specialty involving sending passengers on suborbital flights that offer a brief experience of weightlessness and thrilling views of the earth below.
**USCINC SPACECommander IN Chief United States Space Command
*SPACESort, Purge, Assign a Home, Containerize, Equalize
*SPACESerratia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Citrobacter, Enterobacter
*SPACEStudents Pursuing Academics and Careers in Engineering
*ADV SPACE RESAdvances in Space Research
*SPACESatellite Precipitation and Cloud Experiment
*SPACEService Provisioning and Creation Environment
*PLANET SPACE SCIPlanetary and Space Science
*SPACESprinkler Profile and Coverage Evaluation
*SPACESustaining Privacy in Autonomous Collaborative Environments
*SPACESemantics, Program Analysis, and Computing Environments for Memory Management
*TRANS JPN SOC AERONAUT SPACE SCITransactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
*SPACESoftware Product Advanced Certification and Evaluation
*SPACE CADET/BUZZ LIGHTYEARconfused patient (dementia or drug-related)
*SPACESearch Project For Aspects Of Close Encounters
International business