• What does SSPR Stand For?

    For SSPR we have found 40 definitions.

  • What does SSPR mean? We know 40 definitions for SSPR abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible SSPR meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SSPR Stands For:

All acronyms (40)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (2)Common Government & Military (3)Medicine & Science (1)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (1)Technology, IT etc. (5)
*****S SSPRStatistical, Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition
***SSPRS&S Public Relations, Inc
*SSPRSingle Sign-On Password Reset
*SSPRSelf-Service Password Reset
*SSPRSecretariatul de Stat pentru Problemele Revoluţionarilor
*SSPRSupport System Performance Requirements
*SSPRSystem Safety Progress Review
*SSPRStructural and Statistical Pattern Recognition
*SSPRSabana Seca Puerto Rico
*SSPRSupport Staff Peer Resources
*SSPRSecurities Settlement Priorities Review
*SSPRself service psswd reset
*SSPRSistema de Supervision de Planta de Radio
*SSPRService de Sécurité Auprès du Palais Royal
*SSPRSyntactic and Structural Pattern Recognition
*SSPRSyntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition
*SSPRStructural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
*SSPRStaff Site Plan Review
*SSPRScottish Society for Psychical Research
*SSPRSystem Safety Progress Report
*SSPRSteady State Permeation Rate
*SSPRSyntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition
*SSPRStructural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition
*SSPRSouth Suburban Parks and Recreation
*SSPRSecondary Side Post Regulator