Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | SESP | Special Education Support Program
| |
***** | SESP | Severely Errored Seconds - Path
| |
***** | SESP | Sumber Energi Sakti Prima
| |
**** | SESP | Special Electronic Search Project
| |
**** | SESP | Secretaria de Estado de Segurança Pública
| |
**** | SESP | Space Experiments Support Program
| |
**** | SESP | Secretaría Ejecutiva de Seguridad Pública
| |
**** | SESP | School of Education and Social Policy
| |
**** | SESP | Secretaría de Estado de Salud Pública
| |
**** | SESP | Society of Experimental Social Psychology
| |
**** | SESP | Sistema Estatal de Seguridad Pública
| |
*** | SESP | Surface Environmental Surveillance Program
| |
*** | SESP | Salaried Employees Savings Plan
| |
*** | SESP | Self Employed Sole Proprietor
| |
*** | SESP | Secondary Education Support Program
| |
*** | SESP | Statewide Emergency Shelter Plan
| |
*** | SESP | School Emergency Safety Plan
| |
*** | SESP | Ishares V Public Limited Company (London Stock Exchange [LSE])
| |
*** | SESP | Software Engineering Support Program
| |
*** | SESP | Science and Engineering Summer Program
| |
*** | SESP | Support to the Education Strategic Plan
| |
*** | SESP | Syndicat des Entreprises de Services à la Personne
| |
** | SESP | Search Engine Strategy Plan
| |
** | SESP | Software Engineering Support Programme
| |
** | SESP | Science Engineering Scholars Program
| |