Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | SDPE | Sistema de Dirección y Planificación de la Economía
| |
***** | SDPE | Sistema de Direccion y Planificacion de la Economia
| |
**** | SDPE | Special Design Protective Equipment
| |
**** | SDPE | SD Process Equipments
| |
**** | SDPE | Standard Deviation of Prediction Error
| |
**** | SDPE | Specialist Diploma in Pre-School Education
| |
**** | SDPE | San Diego Paranormal Eye
| |
*** | SDPE | Stockholm Doctoral Program in Economics
| |
*** | SDPE | Specially Designed Physical Education
| |
*** | SDPE | Supplemental Driving Performance Evaluation
| |
*** | SDPE | Scottish Doctoral Programme in Economics
| |
*** | SDPE | Stochastic Dynamic Programming Equation
| |
** | SDPE | State Department of Public Education
| |
** | SDPE | Students Developing Proficiency in English
| |
* | SDPE | Software Distribution Premium Edition
| |
* | SDPE | South Downs Percussion Ensemble
| |
* | SDPE | Stochastic Dynamic Power Estimator
| |
* | SDPE | Supplemental Driver Performance Evaluation
| |
* | SDPE | Specialized Design Protective Equipment
| |