• What does SAPPHIRE Stand For?

    For SAPPHIRe we have found 9 definitions.

  • What does SAPPHIRE mean? We know 9 definitions for SAPPHIRE abbreviation or acronym in 2 categories. Possible SAPPHIRE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SAPPHIRE Stands For:

All acronyms (9)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military Medicine & Science (3)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (1)Technology, IT etc.
*****SAPPHIRESatellite and Aircraft Database Programme
*****SAPPHIRESynthetic Aperture Precision Processor High Reliability
***SAPPHIREStanford Asian Pacific Program in Hypertension and Insulin Resistance
**SAPPHIREScottish Archive of Print and Publishing History Records
*SAPPHIREStenting and Angioplasty With Protection in Patients at High Risk for Endarterectomy
*SAPPHIREsatellite and aircraft database program for system integrity research
*SAPPHIREStanford Audio Phonic PHotographic InfraRed Experiment
*SAPPHIRESystolic and pulse pressure hemodynamic improvement by restoring elasticity
*SAPPHIRESapphire Aviation