What does LACF Stand For?
For LACF we have found 17 definitions.
What does LACF mean? We know 17 definitions for LACF abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible LACF meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
LACF Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | LACF | Los Altos Community Foundation | |
***** | LACF | Low-Acid Canned Food Fda | |
***** | LACF | Los Angeles County Fair | |
***** | LACF | Laboratory Animal Care Facility | |
***** | LACF | Latin American Children's Fund | |
***** | LACF | Liberal Area Coalition for Families | |
***** | LACF | Lead Analyst Control Function Military | |
**** | LACF | low-acid canned foods Food Products | |
**** | LACF | London A Cappella Festival | |
**** | LACF | Lake Avenue Community Foundation | |
**** | LACF | Los Angeles Comedy Festival | |
*** | LACF | Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation | |
*** | LACF | Latin American Carbon Forum | |
*** | LACF | Litchfield Area Community Foundation | |
*** | LACF | Leeds Art Collections Fund | |
*** | LACF | Ledbury Area Cycle Forum |