What does INT%27L Stand For?
For INT`L we have found 58 definitions.
What does INT%27L mean? We know 58 definitions for INT%27L abbreviation. Possible INT%27L meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
INT%27L Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | U PA J INT'L ECON L | University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law Legal | |
***** | U PA J INT'L L INS | University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law Legal | |
***** | YB INT'L ENV L | Yearbook of International Environmental Law Legal | |
***** | YALE J INT'L L | Yale Journal of International Law Legal | |
***** | J INT'L ARB | Journal of International Arbitration Legal | |
***** | J COMP LEGIS & INT'L L | Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law (1918-1951) Legal | |
***** | J INT'L ECON L | Journal of International Economic Law Legal | |
**** | J INT'L CRIM JUST | Journal of International Criminal Justice Legal | |
**** | HARV INT'L LJ | Harvard International Law Journal Legal | |
**** | PACE INT'L L REV | Pace International Law Review Legal | |
**** | VA J INT'L L | Virginia Journal of International Law Legal | |
**** | J INT'L L & INT'L REL | Journal of International Law and International Relations Legal | |
**** | J INT'L BUS & L | Journal of International Business and Law Legal | |
**** | U MIAMI INT'L & COMP L | University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review Legal | |
**** | J INT'L MEDIA & ENT L | Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law Legal | |
*** | UCLA J INT'L L & FOREIGN AFF | UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs Legal | |
*** | UC DAVIS J INT'L & POL'Y | UC Davis Journal of International Law and Policy Legal | |
*** | MACQUARIE J INT'L & COMP ENVTL L | Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law Legal | |
** | BRIT YB INT'L L | British Yearbook of International Law Legal | |
** | HASTINGS INT'L & COMP L REV | Hastings International and Comparative Law Review Legal | |
** | INT'L | International International business | |
* | POLICING: INT'L J POLICE STRAT & MGMT | Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management Legal | |
* | IND INT’L & COMP L REV | Indiana International and Comparative Law Review Legal | |
* | NCJ INT’L L & COM REG | North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation Legal | |
* | MCGILL INT'L J SUST DEV L & POL'Y | McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy Legal |