• What does HOP Stand For?

    For HOP we have found 207 definitions.

  • What does HOP mean? We know 207 definitions for HOP abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible HOP meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

HOP Stands For:

All acronyms (207)Airports & Locations (4)Business & Finance (8)Common (2)Government & Military (14)Medicine & Science (25)Chat & Sub Cultures (3)Education Schools (20)Technology, IT etc. (10)
*****HOPHop on Pop
*****HOPCampbell AAF, Hopkinsville, United States
Iata Airport Codes United States
****HOPHigh Output Paraffin
****HOPHouse Of Pain (nursing Home)
Medical Slang
****HOPHospital Orientation Program
Legal Healthcare
***HOP QDRPHospital Outpatient Quality Data Reporting Program
***HOPHouse of Paincakes
Medical Slang
***HOPHouse of Payne
***HOPHooked on Phonics
**HOPHighway Occupancy Permit
**HOPHouses of Parliament
**HOPHalo Orbit Phase
*HOPHeritage of Pride
*HOPHonda Original Parts
*HOP, COMMONSThe history of parliament: the House of Commons
*HOPHelium Oxidizer Tank Pressure
*HOPHrvatski Oslobodilacki Pokret
*HOPhamster ovum penetration
*HOPHealth Outreach Program
*HOPHungry Owl Project
*HOPHospital Outpatient Program
*HOPHouse Of Prayer
*HOPHigh Oxygen Pressure
*HOPhamster oocyte penetration