• What does GHOST Stand For?

    For Ghost we have found 23 definitions.

  • What does GHOST mean? We know 23 definitions for GHOST abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible GHOST meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

GHOST Stands For:

All acronyms (23)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military Medicine & Science (4)Chat & Sub Cultures (3)Education Schools Technology, IT etc. (5)
*****GHOSTGraffiti Habitual Offender Suppression Team
****GHOSTGeneral Hardware-Oriented Software Transfer
IT Terminology
****GHOSTGang and Habitual Offender Strike Team
***GHOSTDerogatory term for med students; they are largely invisible, are absent during difficult situations, silent when asked for volunteers and stealthily evade hard work
*GHOSTGeneral Hardware Oriented System Transfer
*GHOSTGlobal Humanitarian Operation & Special Tactics
*GHOSTGoal Hierarchy and Objectives Structuring Technique
*GHOSTGeneral Haptics Open Software Toolkit
*GHOSTGround Handling Operations Safety Team
*GHOSTGeometric Hexagon Opting Symbolic Tesseract
*GHOSTGhost Hunters Ohio Search Team
*GHOSTGlobal Hierarchical Observing Strategy
*GHOSTGrand Homosexual Organization to Stop Televangelists
*GHOSTGlutatHione as Substrate Of Thioredoxin
*GHOSTGhost Hunters of Southern Tioga
*GHOSTGSM Hosted SMS Teleservice
*GHOSTGhostly Hamsters Overwhelm Spooky Treehouse
*GHOSTGreater Haunt Owners Society of Texas
*GHOSTGeneral Hardware Oriented Software Transfer
*GHOSTGlobal Holocene Spatial and Temporal
*GHOSTGlobal Horizontal Sounding Technique
*GHOSTGuard Hollywood Oversight Security Team (Hollywood, Florida)