What does ESAS Stand For?
For ESAs we have found 86 definitions.
What does ESAS mean? We know 86 definitions for ESAS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible ESAS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
ESAS Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | ESAS | Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale | |
**** | ESAS | Engineering Semantic Agent Systems | |
**** | ESAS | Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents | |
*** | ESAS | Environmentally Sensitive Areas Tourism Travel | |
*** | ESAS | Extended Source Analysis Software | |
*** | ESAS | Enhanced Situational Awareness System | |
*** | ESAS | Electronically Steerable Antenna System | |
*** | ESAS | European Space Agency's | |
*** | ESAS | Exploration Systems Architecture Studies | |
*** | ESAS | European Workshop on the Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks | |
*** | ESAS | Essential Supporting Activities | |
*** | ESAS | Electronic Service Activation System | |
*** | ESAS | Electricity Sector Adjustment Scheme | |
*** | ESAS | European Society of Aesthetic Surgery | |
*** | ESAS | Extraction System of Agricultural Statistics | |
*** | ESAS | Escola Secundária de Alberto Sampaio | |
*** | ESAS | Earth Science Applications from Space | |
** | ESAS | Energy Savings Assessments | |
** | ESAS | Economic Social and Administrative Sciences | |
** | ESAS | Embedded Systems and Applications | |
** | ESAS | Education Student Assistance System | |
** | ESAS | Exchange Settlement Account System | |
** | ESAS | Explorations in Science and Society | |
** | ESAS | Embedded Systems Architectures on Silicon | |
** | ESAS | Ex Services Association of Singapore |