Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ERID | Emergency Response Identification
| |
***** | ERID | Employment Resources for Idahoans with Disabilities
| |
**** | ERID | Economic Research and Information Department
| |
**** | ERID | Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
| |
**** | ERID | External Relations and Institutional Development
| |
**** | ERID | Economic Research Initiatives at Duke
| |
*** | ERID | Expert Recommendation for Intelligent Documents
| |
*** | ERID | Eridanus
| |
*** | ERID | European Research Infrastructure Development
| |
*** | ERID | Équipe de Recherche Informatique et Droit
| |
*** | ERID | Electrostatic Residual Ion Dump
| |
*** | ERID | External Relations and International Development
| |
** | ERID | Eskom Research and Innovation Department
| |
* | ERID | Environmentally Responsible Interior Design
| |
* | ERID | European Registry for Internal Dosimetry
| |
* | ERID | Emergency Response ID
| |
* | ERID | Eastern Regional Irrigation Directorate
| |