What does CNIS Stand For?
For CNIS we have found 48 definitions.
What does CNIS mean? We know 48 definitions for CNIS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible CNIS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
CNIS Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | CNIS | calcineurin inhibitors | |
**** | CNIS | Commercial National Insurance Services | |
**** | CNIS | Canadian National Railways Railroad Company | |
**** | CNIS | Centre National de l'Informatique et des Statistiques | |
**** | CNIS | Cartus Network Inventory Specialist | |
**** | CNIS | Computer Networks and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Systems | |
**** | CNIS | Coordinamento Nazionale degli Insegnanti Specializzati | |
**** | CNIS | Carotid Non-Invasive Study | |
*** | CNIS | computerized nursing information system | |
*** | CNIS | Conference on Network and Information Security | |
*** | CNIS | Communication Network and Internet Security | |
*** | CNIS | Computing Network and Information Security | |
*** | CNIS | Conseil National de l'Information Statistique | |
*** | CNIS | Community News and Information Service | |
*** | CNIS | Communication Network and Information Security | |
*** | CNIS | Communications, Navigation and Identification Systems | |
** | CNIS | Computer and Network Based Information System | |
** | CNIS | China National Institution of Standardization | |
** | CNIS | China National Institute of Standards | |
** | CNIS | Cadastro Nacional de Informações Social | |
** | CNIS | Canadian Network for International Surgery | |
** | CNIS | Channel Navigation Information Service | |
** | CNIS | Centre for National and International Studies | |
** | CNIS | Certified Network Inventory Specialist |