• What does CMPE Stand For?

    For CMPE we have found 24 definitions.

  • What does CMPE mean? We know 24 definitions for CMPE abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible CMPE meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

CMPE Stands For:

All acronyms (24)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military (1)Medicine & Science (6)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (2)Technology, IT etc. (2)
*****CMPECertified Medical Practice Executive
Occupation & positions
****CMPEComputer Engineering
****CMPECentre for Metallurgical Process Engineering
****CMPECentre marocain de promotion des exportations
****CMPECentre for Malariology Parasitology and Entomology
****CMPECommission des marchés publics de l'Etat
****CMPEConjunctions of Meaningfully Parallel Events
****CMPECentral Motion Picture Exchange
****CMPEContractors Mechanical Plant Engineers
****CMPEcommercial master power enclosure
****CMPEcow's milk protein enteropathy
***CMPEChief Motive Power Engineer
***CMPEContent Manager and Publishing Engine
***CMPECenter for Malaria Parasitology and Entomology
***CMPEComputer Programming for Engineers
***CMPECalf Muscle Pump Efficiency
***CMPEchronic massive pleural effusion
**CMPECluster Management and Power Efficient
**CMPEConcrete Mixing Plant Equipment
**CMPECenter for Metallurgical Process Engineering
**CMPECollege of Medical Practice Executive
**CMPECommittee on Motion Pictures in Education
**CMPECenter for Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology
*CMPECentre for Malaria Parasitology and Entomology