What does CADV Stand For?
For CADV we have found 19 definitions.
What does CADV mean? We know 19 definitions for CADV abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible CADV meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
CADV Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | CADV | CareAdvantage, Inc. Nasdaq symbols | |
***** | CADV | Cardiovascular Associates of the Delaware Valley | |
***** | CADV | Community Against Domestic Violence | |
***** | CADV | Certificates of Alternative Development Value | |
**** | CADV | Committee Against Domestic Violence | |
**** | CADV | Claim Advice Queue | |
**** | CADV | Combined Alternate Data Voice | |
*** | CADV | Campaign Against Domestic Violence | |
*** | CADV | Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence | |
*** | CADV | Center against Domestic Violence | |
** | CADV | Commande Automatique de Vol | |
** | CADV | Commission against Domestic Violence | |
** | CADV | canine adenovirus | |
** | CADV | Child and Adolescent Development | |
** | CADV | caprine adenovirus | |
** | CADV | Citizens Against Domestic Violence | |
** | CADV | Computer Aided Design Verification | |
** | CADV | Careadvantage Inc (OTC Bulletin Board [OTCBB]) | |
* | CADV | Cano Delgadito virus |