• What does BSMS Stand For?

    For BSMS we have found 52 definitions.

  • What does BSMS mean? We know 52 definitions for BSMS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible BSMS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

BSMS Stands For:

All acronyms (52)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common Government & Military (2)Medicine & Science (8)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (6)Technology, IT etc. (4)
*****BSMSBachelor of Science in Management Studies
*****BSMSBlood Stocks Management Scheme
*****BSMSBengaluru School of Management Studies
****BSMSBachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery
**BSMS MCUBrighton and Sussex Medical School Medical Christian Union
**BSMSBus Service Management System
*BSMSBeit Shalom Messianic Synagogue
*BSMSBoeing Safety Management System
*BSMSBattle Staff Management System
*BSMSBalch Springs Middle School
*BSMSBelgian Society for Mass Spectrometry
*BSMSBattlefield Spectrum Management System
*BSMSBusiness Service Monitoring System
*BSMSBachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies
*BSMSbody surface maps
*BSMSBridge Street Middle School
*BSMSBody surface potential maps
*BSMSBrowning Springs Middle School
*BSMSBusiness Support Materials
*BSMSBrown Summit Middle School
*BSMSBaltic Sales Marketing Service
*BSMSBritish Society of Medical Secretaries
*BSMSBinary-Symmetric Markov Source
*BSMSB Safe Management Solutions
*BSMSBonita Springs Middle School