• What does AWAC Stand For?

    For AWAC we have found 68 definitions.

  • What does AWAC mean? We know 68 definitions for AWAC abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Possible AWAC meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

AWAC Stands For:

All acronyms (68)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (3)Common (2)Government & Military (3)Medicine & Science (3)Chat & Sub Cultures (3)Education Schools (5)Technology, IT etc. (2)
*****AWACAlumoweld-Aluminum Conductor
****AWACAlain Winandy Assessoria e Consultoria
***AWACAbused Women and Children
***AWACAdvancement of Women and Children
***AWACAnimal Waste Advisory Committee
***AWACAdvanced Warning Audit Control
***AWACAgricultural Water Advisory Committee
***AWACAcoustic Wave and Current profiler
**AWACAdvanced Wine Assessment Course
**AWACAdvocate Women and Children
**AWACArrowhead Woods Architectural Committee
**AWACAll Weather, All Condition
**AWACAlaska World Affairs Council
**AWACAcoustic Doppler Wave & Current Profiler
*AWACAnthony Wayne Area Council
*AWACAcolytes Without A Cause
*AWACAnimal Welfare Advisory Committee
*AWACArctic Waters Advisory Committee
*AWACAlan Werba Acquisition Corp
*AWACAirborne Warning and Control
*AWACAudio Waveform Amplifier and Converter
*AWACAnimal Welfare Action Committee
*AWACAllied World Assurance Company Ltd
*AWACAfghanistan Without a Clue
*AWACAcoustic Wave and Current