Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | APDD | Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers
| |
***** | APDD | Association des Pharmaciens de Dialyse à Domicile
| |
***** | APDD | Atypical Pervasive Developmental Disorder
| |
**** | APDD | Automated Pill Dispensing Device
| |
**** | APDD | Advance Planning Document Directive
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*** | APDD | Appliqué Performance Description Document
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*** | APDD | Applique Performance Description Document
| |
*** | APDD | All Pro Dad's Day
| |
*** | APDD | Airport Planned Development District
| |
*** | APDD | Agricultural Promotion and Development Department
| |
** | APDD | Ambulante Pflegerische Dienste der Diakonie
| |
** | APDD | Australian Plant Disease Database
| |
** | APDD | Archived Public Domain Documenta
| |
| |
* | APDD | Autorisations Pluriinstitutionnelles de Disposer
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