What does ACRONYMS Stand For?
For ACRONYMS we have found 11 definitions.
What does ACRONYMS mean? We know 11 definitions for ACRONYMS abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible ACRONYMS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
ACRONYMS Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | LIFESTYLE AND DEMOGRAPHICS PROFILES ACRONYMS LISTING | Here in one section are all the lifestyle and demographics profiles acronyms that feature in the dictionary above. These amusing and occasionally less-than-PC acronyms and abbreviations are an increasing presence in our language. The expressions reflect s | |
***** | ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS | Letters, icons, numerals, punctuation, abbreviated Upper/lower case display of intelligence/indicating a resource which offers an expanded, enlarged, greater in-depth meaning for entity presented in first stage of communique: Miscellaneous | |
*** | ACRONYMS | A Crazy Roundup of Nonsense You Must See | |
** | ACRONYMS | A Cryptic Rendition Of Names You Might See :-) | |
** | ACRONYMS | Absurdly Contrived Representations Of Names Yielding Mass Stupefication. As above.. (Thanks A Brady) | |
** | ACRONYMS | Assorted Computing Rumors About Nothing You Might Suspect | |
** | ACRONYMS | A Common Representation Of Names You Must Shorten Unclassified | |
** | ACRONYMS | Abbreviated Capitalized Realtime Organizational Neological Yeomanlike Memory Surrogates :-) | |
** | ACRONYMS | Absurdly Contrived Representations Of Names Yielding Mass Stupefication | |
* | ACRONYMS | Advanced Cryptology Rendering Obviously Non-Sensical Yet Meaningful Stuff :-) | |
* | ACRONYMS | Acronyms Commonly Referred to On Notices You Might See |