Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | WRAC | Workplace Risk Assessment Control
| |
**** | WRAC | Weighted Risk Assessment Criteria
| |
**** | WRAC | Women's Royal Army Corps (WWII UK)
| |
**** | WRAC | Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum
| |
**** | WRAC | Writing and Reading Assistance Center
| |
*** | WRAC | Water Regulations Advisory Committee
| |
*** | WRAC | Waste Regulation Advisory Committee
| |
*** | WRAC | West River Ag Center
| |
*** | WRAC | Window Room Air Conditioner
| |
*** | WRAC | Web Risk Assessment Cell
| |
*** | WRAC | Water Resource Advisory Council
| |
*** | WRAC | Western Regional Advisory Committee
| |
** | WRAC | Willow Run Aeronautical Center
| |
** | WRAC | Western Regional Aquaculture Center
| |
** | WRAC | Woman's Royal Army Corps
| |
** | WRAC | Waste Reduction Action Committee
| |
** | WRAC | Water Resource Advisory Committee
| |
** | WRAC | Waste Reduction Advisory Committee
| |
** | WRAC | Water Research Advisory Council
| |
** | WRAC | Wildlife Research Advisory Committee
| |
** | WRAC | Waste Reduction Advisory Council
| |
** | WRAC | Winchester Repeating Arms Company
| |
** | WRAC | Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee
| |
** | WRAC | Wisconsin Rapids Area Chamber
| |
* | WRAC | Welfare Rights Advisers Cymru
| |