Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ULSA | University of Labour and Social Affairs
| |
***** | ULSA | Uganda Landmine Survivors Association
| |
**** | ULSA | Ulcerated Leg Severity Assessment
| |
**** | ULSA | Ultra Low Sidelobe Antenna
| |
**** | ULSA | University Libraries of South Australia
| |
**** | ULSA | University of Leeds Speleological Association
| |
**** | ULSA | Utah Life Science Association
| |
*** | ULSA | University Laser Safety Adviser
| |
*** | ULSA | Ukrainian Law Students Association
| |
** | ULSA | University of Labor and Social Affairs
| |
** | ULSA | Ultra Light Steel Auto
| |
* | ULSA | Universidad La Salle
| |
* | ULSA | Universal Learning Standards Alignment
| |