Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | TOES | T.W. Ogg Elementary School (Freeport, TX)
| |
***** | TOES | Total Outdoor Experience Show
| |
***** | TOES | The Other Economic Summit
| |
**** | TOES | Telephone Order Entry System
| |
**** | TOES | Time-Zero Estimation System
| |
**** | TOES | Toronto Outdoor Education Schools
| |
**** | TOES | TEMPEST Officer Education Symposium
| |
**** | TOES | Texas Organization for Endangered Species
| |
**** | TOES | Twin Oaks Elementary School
| |
**** | TOES | Toxic Oil Epidemic Syndrome
| |
**** | TOES | Threatened or endangered species
| |
**** | TOES | The Ontario Ecotourism Society
| |
*** | TOES | Terminal Operational Environment Simulator
| |
*** | TOES | Trainers of Emergency Services
| |
*** | TOES | Trade-Off Evaluation System
| |
*** | TOES | Transmitter Operated Electrical Synapses
| |
*** | TOES | The Onehunga Enhancement Society
| |
** | TOES | Thousand Oaks Elementary School
| |