Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | TALC | Teaching-aids At Low Cost
| |
***** | TALC | Textile Apparel Linkage Council
| |
***** | TALC | Trim, Appearance, Lighting and Color
| |
***** | TALC | Transport and Logistics Centre
| |
***** | TALC | Tactical Airborne Laser Communications
| |
***** | TALC | Transportation and Land Use Coalition
| |
***** | TALC | Total Annual Loan Cost
| |
**** | TALC | Teachers Association of Lee County
| |
*** | TALC | Teaching and Language Corpora
| |
*** | TALC | The Adolescent Leadership Council
| |
*** | TALC | Technical Assistance Legal Center
| |
*** | TALC | Topic A La Con
| |
*** | TALC | Tourist Area Life Cycle
| |
*** | TALC | Tax Administration Liaison Committee
| |
*** | TALC | Teaching Assessment and Learning Committee
| |
** | TALC | The Artificial Logic Corporation
| |
** | TALC | Tennessee Academic Library Collaborative
| |
** | TALC | Tactical Airlift Center
| |
** | TALC | Treatment Advocacy Literacy Campaign
| |
** | TALC | Time, Attendance and Labor Collection
| |
** | TALC | Treatment Advocacy and Literacy Campaign
| |
** | TALC | Tennessee Academic Library Consortium
| |
** | TALC | Total Annual Lending Cost
| |
** | TALC | Tal-Cap, Inc.
| |
** | TALC | Territory Anti Litter Committee
| |