• What does SECTION Stand For?

    For section we have found 5 definitions.

  • What does SECTION mean? We know 5 definitions for SECTION abbreviation or acronym in 1 categories. Possible SECTION meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SECTION Stands For:

All acronyms (5)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military (4)Medicine & Science Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools Technology, IT etc.
*****SECTION 504Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Special Education
****SECTION(DOD) 1.As applied to ships or naval aircraft, a tactical subdivision of a division.It is normally one-half of a division in the case of ships, and two aircraft in the case of aircraft.
**SECTION(DOD) 3.A tactical unit of the Army and Marine Corps.A section is smaller than a platoon and larger than a squad.In some organizations the section, rather than the squad, is the basic tactical unit.
*SECTION(DOD) 4.An area in a warehouse extending from one wall to the next; usually the largest subdivision of one floor.
*SECTION(DOD) 2.A subdivision of an office, installation, territory, works, or organization; especially a major subdivision of a staff.