Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | SAMR | South Australian Mounted Rifles
| |
***** | SAMR | Squad Advanced Marksman Rifle
| |
***** | SAMR | Security Assistance Management Review
| |
***** | SAMR | Saskatchewan Association for the Mentally Retarded
| |
**** | SAMR | Assistant Secretary of the Army
| |
**** | SAMR | San Rafael Airport, San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina
| |
**** | SAMR | Staphylococcus Aureus Meticilino Resistente
| |
**** | SAMR | Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement
| |
**** | SAMR | Security Account Manager
| |
*** | SAMR | South African Mounted Riflemen
| |
*** | SAMR | Sprint Application Monitoring and Reporting
| |
*** | SAMR | Secretary of the Army Manpower and Reserve
| |
*** | SAMR | Society for Arab Music Research
| |
*** | SAMR | Security Account Manager Remote
| |
*** | SAMR | San Alfonso del Mar Resort
| |
** | SAMR | Small Angle Magnetization Rotation
| |
** | SAMR | Staphylococcus Aureus Méticillino-Résistant
| |
** | SAMR | Spokane Alliance for Medical Research
| |
* | SAMR | Supreme Asset Management Recovery
| |
* | SAMR | Supreme Asset Management and Recovery
| |