Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ICDA | Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano
| |
***** | ICDA | Industrial and Commercial Development Authority
| |
***** | ICDA | Illinois Congressional Debate Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Idaho Career Development Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Irish Cosmetics, Detergent and Allied Products Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Iowa Choral Directors Association, Inc.
| |
**** | ICDA | Illinois Career Development Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Indiana Choral Directors Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Inter*Im Community Development Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Industrial Compressor Distributors Association
| |
**** | ICDA | Internationale Christlich-Demokratische Arbeitnehmer
| |
*** | ICDA | International Committee of Dietetic Associations
| |
*** | ICDA | Interfaith Community Development Association
| |
*** | ICDA | International Center for Development Affairs
| |
*** | ICDA | Irish Cosmetics & Detergents Association
| |
*** | ICDA | Illinois Cultural Diversity Association
| |
*** | ICDA | Integrated Conservation and Development Areas
| |
** | ICDA | International Coalition for Development Action
| |
** | ICDA | International Congress of Distinguished Awards
| |
** | ICDA | I Can Do Anything
| |
** | ICDA | International Cooperative Development Association
| |
** | ICDA | Institute for Communication and Development Action
| |
** | ICDA | Iranian Curriculum Development Association
| |
* | ICDA | International Career Direction Assessment
| |
* | ICDA | International Catholic Deaf Association
| |