Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CMFC / CFPC | Collège des Médecins de Famille du Canada / College of Family Physicians of Canada
| |
**** | CFPC | Central Florida Parent Center
| |
**** | CFPC | Community Family Planning Council
| |
**** | CFPC | Centre Français du Patronat Chrétien
| |
**** | CFPC | Centre de Formation de la Profession Comptable
| |
**** | CFPC | Conseil Français de la Protection Cathodique
| |
**** | CFPC | Child & Family Policy Center
| |
**** | CFPC | Center for Plant Conservation
| |
*** | CFPC | Central Florida Pregnancy Center, Inc.
| |
*** | CFPC | Center for Progressive Christianity
| |
*** | CFPC | Certified Forest Products Council
| |