• What does SYMP Stand For in Common ?

    For SYMP we have found 26 definitions.

  • What does SYMP mean? We know 26 definitions for SYMP abbreviation or acronym in 2 categories. Possible SYMP meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SYMP Stands For:

All acronyms (26)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common (17)Government & Military Medicine & Science Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools Technology, IT etc. (1)
*****FARADAY SYMP CHEM SOCFaraday Symposia of the Chemical Society
****ANN SIM SYMP PROCAnnual Simulation Symposium Proceedings
****PROC INT SYMP PLASMA CHEMProceedings of the International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry
***PROC SYMP PURE MATHProceedings of the Symposium on Pure Mathematics
***PROC INT SYMP APPL FERROELECTRProceedings of the International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics
***PROC IAHR INT SYMP ICEProceedings of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, International Symposium on Ice
***PROC EUR PEPT SYMPProceedings of the European Peptide Symposium
***IEEE SEMI INT SEMICOND MANUF SYMP PROCIeee Semi International Semiconductor Manufacturing Symposium Proceedings
***IEEE MTT-S SYMP DIGIeee Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Symposium Digest
**PROC INT SYMP MET MATER SCIProceedings of the International Symposium on Metallurgy and Materials Science
**PROC MIL OPER RES SYMPProceedings of the Military Operations Research Symposium
*ANNU SIM SYMP PROCAnnual Simulation Symposium Proceedings
*SAMPE SYMP PROCSampe Sympoisium Proceedings
*MRS SYMP PROCMrs Symposia Proceedings
*MRS SYMP PROCMrs Proceedings
*SCAN ELECTRON MICROSC SYMP PROCScanning Electron Microscope Symposium Proceedings
*EUR SYMPEuropean Symposium