Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | WATER POLL CONTROL | Water Pollution and Control
| |
***** | HAZARD MATER CONTROL MAG | Hazardous Materials Control Magazine
| |
*** | TRANS INST MEAS CONTROL | Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
| |
*** | PLASMA PHYS CONTROL FUSION | Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
| |
*** | IEEE TRANS ULTRASON FERROELECTR FREQ CONTROL | Ieee Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
| |
*** | OPTIM CONTROL APPL METHODS | Optimal Control Applications and Methods
| |
*** | NOISE VIB CONTROL WORLDW | Noise and Vibration Control Worldwide
| |
*** | MOT CONTROL | Motor Control
| |
** | IEEE TRANS AUTOM CONTROL | Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control
| |
** | JSME INT J III, VIB CONTROL ENG ENG IND | Jsme International Journal, Series Iii, Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
| |
** | AUTOM CONTROL | Automation and Control
| |
** | TRANS SOC INSTRUM CONTROL ENG | Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
| |
** | TRANS INST SYST CONTROL INF ENG | Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
| |
** | CONTROL TOWER. | A central, raised operational center that supervises and directs all traffic into and out of an airport.
| |
** | MODEL SIMUL CONTROL A | Modelling, Simulation and Control AA
| |
* | NOISE CONTROL ENG J | Noise Control Engineering Journal
| |
* | EMISSIONS CONTROL AREA. | A 200-mile wide zone along the United States coast line in which sulfur dioxide emissions from ships are severely restricted.
| |
* | NTIS COMPUT CONTROL INFORM THEORY | Ntis Computers, Control and Information Theory
| |
* | SYST CONTROL LETT | Systems and Control Letters
| |
* | MODEL IDENTIF CONTROL | Modeling, Identification and Control
| |
* | MODEL SIMUL CONTROL C | Modelling, Simulation and Control CC
| |
* | MODEL SIMUL CONTROL B | Modelling, Simulation and Control BB
| |
* | SYST CONTROL | Systems and Control
| |
* | NTIS ENVIRON POLLUT CONTROL | Ntis Environmental Pollution Control
| |
* | SYST CONTROL INF | Systems, Control and Information
| |