Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CARES | Children Are Really Extra Special
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**** | CARES | Cooperation Assertion Responsibility Empathy and Self
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**** | CARES | Community and Road Education Scheme
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**** | CARES | Central Australia Radio Emergency Service
| |
*** | CARES | Computer Analysis for Rapid Evaluation of Structures
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*** | CARES | Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support
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*** | CARES | Community Activities to Rally Everyone to Serve
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*** | CARES | Civic and Religious Emergency Services
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** | CARES | Careering Advising Retaining Educating and Supporting
| |
** | CARES | Comprehensive Approaches to Raising Educational Standards
| |
** | CARES | Compensation and Recognition Enhances Stability
| |
** | CARES | Compensation and Retention Encourage Stability
| |
* | CARES | Canadian Animal Rescue And Extended Shelter
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