What does BGI Stand For in Business & Finance ?
For BGI we have found 149 definitions.
What does BGI mean? We know 149 definitions for BGI abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible BGI meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
BGI Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | BGI | Budget Group, Inc. | |
**** | BGI | Bill Gates Investments | |
*** | BGI | Birks Group Inc. Common Stock (American Stock Exchange [AMEX]) | |
*** | BGI | Baltic Group International | |
** | BGI | Bretagne Géothermie Installation | |
** | BGI | Baillie Gifford International | |
** | BGI | B-G Instruments | |
** | BGI | Bordeaux Gironde Investissement | |
** | BGI | Boyd Group Income | |
* | BGI | Bost Garnache Industrie SA | |
* | BGI | Bormans Grafische Industrie | |
* | BGI | Badass Games Industries | |
* | BGI | Baelen Gaillard Industries | |
* | BGI | Borders Group Inc |