Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | MAWC | Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County
| |
***** | MAWC | Millerton Area Watershed Coalition
| |
***** | MAWC | Maximum Acceptable Weight of Carriage
| |
***** | MAWC | Metro Amateur Wrestling Club
| |
***** | MAWC | Missouri-American Water Company
| |
**** | MAWC | Male Aerated Water Company
| |
**** | MAWC | Medical Assistance for Women and Children
| |
**** | MAWC | Marine Air, West Coast
| |
**** | MAWC | Maryland Association for Wildlife Conservation
| |
*** | MAWC | Motorcyclists Association Western Cape
| |
*** | MAWC | Montgomery Avenue Women's Center
| |
*** | MAWC | Metro Atlanta Witches Circle
| |
*** | MAWC | Midtown Atlanta Wellness Center
| |
** | MAWC | Maimonides Academy of Western Connecticut
| |
** | MAWC | Member of Asian Watercolour Confederation
| |
** | MAWC | Maimonides Academy of Western CT
| |
** | MAWC | Metropolitan African Wealth Creator
| |
* | MAWC | Mid-Atlantic Wildlife Control
| |
* | MAWC | Memphis Area Women's Council
| |
* | MAWC | Mid Atlantic Working Connections
| |