Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ECSR | Electronic Claims Service Record
| |
***** | ECSR | Enseignement Conduite Sécurité Routière
| |
***** | ECSR | École de Conduite Sécurité Routière
| |
**** | ECSR | Esophagus Cardiac Stomach Region
| |
**** | ECSR | Enhancement of Customer-Supplier Relationship
| |
**** | ECSR | Erosion Control Sediment Retention
| |
**** | ECSR | Ellisville Coal Spoon River
| |
**** | ECSR | Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility
| |
**** | ECSR | European Consortium of Sociological Research
| |
**** | ECSR | right environmental control system card
| |
**** | ECSR | Eckerd College Summer Research
| |
**** | ECSR | European Committee of Social Rights
| |
**** | ECSR | European Conference on Schizophrenia Research
| |
**** | ECSR | Economic, Cultural and Social Rights
| |
*** | ECSR | Électricité, Climatisation, Solaire, Renouvelable
| |
*** | ECSR | Environmental Coordination Services & Recycling
| |
** | ECSR | Eddie Current Suppression Ring
| |
** | ECSR | Eddy Current Suppression Ring's
| |
** | ECSR | Enabling Christians Serving Refugees
| |
** | ECSR | Enhanced Commercial Security Requirement
| |
* | ECSR | European Consortium for Social Research
| |
* | ECSR | European Commission Second Report
| |
* | ECSR | Eddy Current Suppression Ring
| |