Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AABS | A-activator binding site
| |
***** | AABS | Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies
| |
**** | AABS | Automated Alternate Billing Service
| |
**** | AABS | Association for Byzantine Studies
| |
**** | AABS | Assurance Advisory Business Services
| |
**** | AABS | Autoimmunity Associated Behavioral Syndrome
| |
*** | AABS | Applied Behavioral Science
| |
*** | AABS | Authorized Agent Banks
| |
*** | AABS | African American Business Summit
| |
*** | AABS | Australian Association for Byzantine Studies
| |
*** | AABS | Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies
| |
*** | AABS | Association of African Biomedical Scientists
| |
*** | AABS | African Association of Business Schools
| |
*** | AABS | Advancement of Baltic Studies
| |
** | AABS | Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars
| |
** | AABS | Adaptive Antenna Beam Selection
| |
** | AABS | Accredited Agent Banks
| |
** | AABS | Advisory and Assistance Brigades
| |
** | AABS | autoantibodies
| |
** | AABS | All American Basketball School
| |
** | AABS | Association of Bible Schools
| |
** | AABS | Assignment and Analysis of Broadband Spectra
| |
** | AABS | Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science
| |
** | AABS | Advances in Applied Business Strategy
| |
** | AABS | Ann Arbor Bonsai Society
| |