Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | MDSF | Marcus Doo and the Secret Family
| |
***** | MDSF | Mouvement démocrate socialiste de France
| |
***** | MDSF | Medium Duty Single Flange
| |
***** | MDSF | Medium Deep Space Freighter
| |
***** | MDSF | Moldova Dance Sport Federation
| |
***** | MDSF | Modern Dress Sewing Factory
| |
**** | MDSF | Manipulator Development and Simulation Facility
| |
**** | MDSF | Mouvement Des Sourds de France
| |
**** | MDSF | Matt Dolan Service Fund
| |
*** | MDSF | Mini Deluxe Soft Fan
| |
*** | MDSF | Multi-Dimensional Spreading Function
| |
*** | MDSF | Model Driven Service Framework
| |
** | MDSF | Market Development Support Facility
| |
** | MDSF | Modelling Decision Support Framework
| |
** | MDSF | Mission Data Support Facility
| |
* | MDSF | Matrix-Dependent Selective Fragmentation
| |