Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | MATP | Maximum Allowable Transient Pressure
| |
**** | MATP | Macromedia Authorized Training Provider
| |
**** | MATP | Medical Assistance Transportation Program
| |
**** | MATP | alpha,beta-methylene adenosine triphosphate
| |
**** | MATP | Macromedia Authorised Training Partner
| |
**** | MATP | Mirror Australian Telegraph Publications
| |
**** | MATP | Medication Administration Training Program
| |
*** | MATP | alpha-beta-methylene ATP
| |
*** | MATP | Military Intelligence Readiness Command
| |
*** | MATP | Media Arts and Technology Program
| |
*** | MATP | Membrane Associated Transporter Protein
| |
*** | MATP | Motor Activities Training Program
| |
*** | MATP | Missouri Assistive Technology Project
| |
*** | MATP | Maximum Transmission Point
| |
*** | MATP | beta-methylene adenosine triphosphate
| |
** | MATP | Massachusetts Assitive Technology Partnership
| |
** | MATP | Massachusetts Assistive Technology Partnership
| |
** | MATP | Macromedia Authorized Training Partner
| |
** | MATP | Movimento Anti-Touradas de Portugal
| |
** | MATP | Motor Activities Training Programme
| |
** | MATP | Macromedia Authorized Training Program
| |
** | MATP | Mathematics, Algebra, Trigonometry, Physics
| |
** | MATP | Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program
| |
** | MATP | Minnesota Arthritis Training Program
| |
* | MATP | Motor Activity Training Program
| |